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Build you brand one sticker at a time.
Stickers for Branding - ClayBag

Build you brand one sticker at a time.

Build your brand one sticker at a time. That’s right. Stickers are such a beautiful way to make attractive and creative brand-building ideas. You find them stuck everywhere. There is hardly in the brand in the world which hasn’t made a sticker to promote or display their brand name. Now make one customized sticker designed for your brand.

Stickers, stickers everywhere

Stickers on Jars, Cars, Boxes, Laptops, Bottles or Mobile phones. And stickers on walls, bikes, fridge, or luggage. Or stickers on your store glass window, in parking lots, stickers on helmets. And stickers on food packaging or on jam jars. Stickers on just about anything.
Stickers make for interesting ways to promote your brand or your brand communication. Custom Die Cut Stickers with your logo or an interesting message to grab attention. In the most unusual places.

Stickers are a nice way to add some humor and spread some cheer. Everyone loves a little humor. Having it out on a sticker will add to the retention value. Make your stickers so interesting that people would love to keep them, flaunt them, share them with friends on their social media posts. We have got stories to tell about how stickers have created an opportunity for us to build relationships with our customers.

Make the right choice for your sticker

Whenever you plan to make stickers, quickly run through these questions that will help you narrow down on what exactly you need the stickers for.
Where do you plan to use these stickers and how long do you want them to last? Will you stick them on to something or will they be distributed or handed out at an event? What information do you want to add to your stickers? Will the content to serious, humorous, informative, or just your LOGO? Do you want to Sticker to be in regular shapes like Square, round, or rectangle or do you want to have a custom shape? or for instance, do you want the sticker to be glossy, matt, transparent, or white?

List down the answers to these questions and you will know exactly how big or small you want your Sticker to be and how many of them you will need. Unless you arrive at the size, shape, and quantity it will be a challenge to know how much you will need to spend to make these stickers. In other words, your cost is based on the total no. of square inches you print in one order. Not the number of stickers but the number of square inches in total.

Stickers for Packaging

Stickers are a simple, cost-effective, and attractive way to package your product and make it presentable especially when you are starting a new business. Use it to showcase your brand. A well-designed sticker creates a good first impression for your brand. Remember design is not always about how many colors you add. It’s more about how you make your product packaging look attractive. Sometimes using just one color can make a truly impactful creative. After all, brand building is about relating to your customer and staying connected with them.

Take some time. Jot down every single point that comes to your mind about our design. Brainstorm. And then create your design. Refine it every time you see room for improvement. Imagine your product on the store shelf or your customer’s table. Make it visually appealing. Decide the size and shape. When you are ready. Get them printed.

Choosing the right sticker can be confusing too

When you are creating stickers for your brand or a promotion, it’s always a challenge to decide what kind of a sticker you want. Glossy or Matt. White or Transparent. Die Cut or Kiss Cut. Flat Stickers or Dome Stickers. And it’s never easy to zero down on one without knowing what exactly it will look like. But help is at hand.
At you can order a sample set of all these stickers to get a feel of the product and quality and then place your order. Because we have them all. Just anything you want in stickers is just a click away at ClayBag. It might delay your decision by a few days. But building a brand with impact is a lifetime journey. So make your perfect choice. That’s why we say, build your brand one sticker at a time.

How much will it cost? That’s the next big question.

If you have been ordering stickers online or even checking out online stores that sell stickers, it can be one hell of a task to understand how the pricing works. Multiple combinations that will confuse you. Been there. Done that. Ever wondered why things couldn’t have been simpler? Sure you did. And we did too. So here is what we did to make things easy for you. Because we understand small business branding.
It doesn’t get easier or simpler than this. If you know a simpler way, tell us and we will try that out too. (Ok we won’t promise but we will consider). Because we want to give you the best branding solutions.

The Pricing Calculation.

At ClayBag you can order from as little as just 1 sticker. Yes. You read it right. Just ONE. And you can go up to a million stickers. We do it all. Because we understand small businesses and their challenges. So are you still waiting for that elusive answer, how much does it cost?

We have two simple parameters to arrive at the price. The size of the sticker and the quantity. E.g, if you order 100 stickers of 2inches x 4 inches size, We calculate them as 100 stickers x 8 sq. Inches = 800 Sq. Inches. Don’t even worry about the arithmetic. When you order your stickers at ClayBag, just enter the length and width and quantity and we will tell you how much it will cost. In real-time.
You can also order just one sticker which is 5 inches x 10 inches = 50 sq. inches. Or just any size and quantity. In other words, you can order any quantity starting from just ONE sticker.

All this in any shape, size and even choose if you want it Glossy, Matt or Transparent. All you have to do is order a minimum of 50 sq. Inches. Well, you can order less but we will still bill you for 50 sq. Inches. 😊
Wait a minute. We have a quantity-based discount. So the more your total no. of sq. Inches, the lower the price. Easily the lowest price and the finest quality across India from any online store. Because we love small business branding.
So from a sticker as small as 1 inch x 1 inch to a wall decal that’s 5 meters long or even longer. You can get a sticker in any size. (Maximum width is 4 ft or 48 inches).

Stickers for small businesses

Ask any small business owner how difficult or easy it is to get their branding solutions in one place. Or ask if they ever got a fair deal with customized merchandise for their brand. The answer in most cases won’t be a clear yes. Reason? Small businesses don’t get the advantage of getting a bulk discount on most products. Because they start small. But spend higher amounts of money.

At the approach is different. We pass the benefit of pricing to small businesses so that collectively they build volumes that even large businesses cannot match. We all have read about collective bargaining. Haven’t we? So here is one such model.
The next time you need stickers for your small business look no further. At ClayBag you will get the best online prices for your stickers. However small your order may be. So you know what we mean when we say build your brand one sticker at a time.
Create your design, plan your quantity, and then simply enter the quantity and size to get your order value instantly. In short, we keep it easy and simple for you.

Can I get custom shape stickers and how much do I pay for it?
Yes, you can. By all means and at no extra cost. We provide you with “kiss cut” stickers in your choice of shape. So don’t worry. For us, every shape is a square when we count the area. So no matter what your sticker shape is, we simply calculate the nearest square inch size. It’s simple and transparent. Still, have a doubt? We have a sample offer too.

You can place an order for just 50 sq.inches of stickers. We will ship it across India at one price. Try it. You will surely be happy with what you get. Now order your bulk quantity at discounted prices. Isn’t that simple and fair?

We love making stickers and will bring out the best in print quality with our state of the art printing machine. Always in true colors. Always fine quality and above all, always the best price.

So the next time you need stickers for any occasion simply visit the stickers page on
Got some questions, post them here and we will happily answer them for you. Because branding building is always a team effort. We want to be a part of your team and your success story.

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